Thursday, October 28th, 2021

How to live a calm lifestyle when you are an anxious person.


Just because you are more anxious than another person doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. It means that is just how you are built. Learning ways to adjust your life, can be just what you need to help support the calm lifestyle you crave so much. Here are a few ways that help support a calm life when you are an anxious person.

Create a daily flow that is all about "doing less".

We are never ever encouraged to "do less". Not growing up, not in school, not in our careers, not in any part of our life. But if you are energetically a person that feels EVERYTHING, takes on other people's energy and stresses, It is essential to learn how to "do less".

By doing less it doesn't mean you have permission to be a couch potato. It simply means you go about your life and consciously try not to do too much. This means you don't over schedule, you take your time and mindfully do tasks that need to be done, try limiting your tasks to be "one at a time". This small adjustment of giving yourself permission to "do less" can make every day less hectic and flow with more ease.

Slow down your exercise, even if it’s uncomfortable.

I get it, running, high cardio activity, kickboxing, may feel great! And I am not saying "don't ever do it". I am saying if you have a more "anxious" energy, there is a way to balance the types of exercise and movement you do in a day to promote calm.

Instead of taking a run to cure your anxiety and stress. Opt for a slow flow Mindful yoga class or a walk through nature. This will balance the two different energies and bring you back to a level calm state.

It may be uncomfortable to sit with yourself if you are used to running or fighting through your stress. But stick with it, because like everything different it is a process and a practice to see change. Once you try it, notice how the different types of activities help you hold more calm energy throughout the day.

Create space for just yourself

We are always on the go, so we neglect the only person we have to live with every day. This is obviously because we know he/she will always be there. There are no real consequences right away if you break promises to yourself vs others.

When you stop and really think about it, YOU are the only person that you 100% are responsible for. That is it! Let's look at it in a little more detail. Your partner is an adult and can take care of themselves, your children will eventually grow up and learn to navigate the world on their own, your parents will pass on. And this leaves just YOU. Knowing that you are really only responsible FOR you and you are responsible TO others. Take time to care for yourself like you do all the people around you because you are the only person you will have to live with your entire life.

Rest more without guilt

I say this all the time Rest, Rest, Rest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting your feet up and taking some time to relax. When you are feeling high anxious energy, just the act of sitting, putting your feet up, and taking some deep meaningful breaths can be exactly what you need to reset and bring calm back to your day.

Find a partner that supports calm and slowness

This is a large one. The people you surround yourself with, you eventually become. If you are struggling with a stressful partner or a partner that doesn't allow you to slow down, it can be a recipe for a very very stressful life.

Finding a partner that supports and respects the slow calm lifestyle you want is essential to creating a peaceful daily life. When we have partners that encourage us to rest and take care of ourselves it helps us realize how important it is for the wellbeing of the larger family unit when we prioritize ourselves.

If you don't have a supportive partner, it could be time to get some coaching on what could help support the relationship. Consider scheduling and free consult with me to see if coaching can help you at this time. Click here to book a free consult.

Live minimally

Living with less makes for a calmer life. period. the fewer things you own the fewer things own pieces of you.

Here are a few ways to live more minimal:

  • Donate anything you do not use.
  • If you wouldn't buy it today, get rid of it.
  • Have a dedicated place for everything you own.
  • Before you buy it ask yourself, "do I need this? Will It bring me more peace?".
  • Only keep things in your home that you love.

By removing clutter from your space you automatically remove clutter from your mind and daily life. Creating a calm peaceful space where you can relax easier.

You hold the power to live more calmly.

The truth is if you had asked me 8 years ago if I was an anxious person I would have told you "YES, absolutely". But today I no longer consider myself an anxious person. I have slowly over the years adjusted my life to be calmer and grounded because that supports who I want to show up as. I have a partner that is calm as well and we keep a clean and minimal home to promote peace and tranquility. I even switched careers from a fast-paced agency environment to a career that balances my passions; serving others, creativity, and being a present and involved mother.

If you are looking for support to live a calmer lifestyle, let's chat and connect. Schedule your FREE Consult here!


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If you are interested in understanding what your core values are go to my free 5-Star Day Self-care download. This worksheet will help you live each day with more passion, alignment and purpose.

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