Monday, October 26th, 2020

Allow Your Vision to Become Your Reality

"What if you could change it, do something different? Something that was more aligned with your passion, less stressful and you had time for joy? Would you change?"

4 years ago I left my corporate career on a soul journey. I had a vision, a small voice that sounded something like this:

"What if you could change it, do something different? Something that was more aligned with your passion, less stressful and you had time for joy? Would you change?"

It was the exact same vision/voice of possibility that had come to me 2 years prior when I decided to leave my abusive marriage. I had proof right there that doing brave things could lead to extraordinary change in my life.

So, I did what any responsible 33 year-old woman would do and I quit. I quit my 13 year career, 6 figure salary, health benefits, 401k, and stock options. Yes, with no other job. Just a vision that there was a possibility I could change and have something more.

3 days after I quit the talk track in my head began... and it continued for the next year that followed...

"Sooo you just quit a 6 figure career, with health benefits, 401k, stock options? Something you worked 13 years for? Seriously? What the actual F are you thinking Heather????!!!! OMG, hurry up and get another job quick!!! Ease this uncomfortable place of sitting in the unknown and just go back. It will be easer."

Oh man, it would have been WAY easier! Staying in my job would have been way easier than feeling lost, uncertain, and undefined. Just like staying in my marriage would have been easier than being alone, moving from my home, and facing myself as a single woman again.

Truth Bomb: Your vision isn't always going to be easy.

Your vision isn't always going to be easy. If it was easy you would have already accomplished it by now.

If I never had a vision of something more for my career, my marriage, my LIFE. I would still be there. And gosh-darn-it may friends, If I was still there I wouldn't have the AMAZING life, career and love that I have now.

And that is WAY more scary than change.

Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. -Tony Robbins

Within 5 years of visioning something more for my life. My visions have become my reality. It was not easy, It was hard freaking work. And has taken a shit ton of time and self-actualization to create and craft the life I am living right now.

Do you have a strong desire to change something or show up differently in your own life? Well then start today by creating that vision and making it a reality.

If you want support to create that vision, consider applying for coaching. Schedule your 30 minute session here to chat about the change you are looking to create in your life!




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