
February 15th, 2021
I had a bad-ass career before I became a life coach

I shit you not, this was actually how my friend referred me to a woman looking for some career empowerment coaching. At first, when my friend told me this I laughed, really hard. But about a minute later after I thanked her for the referral I thought to myself, "I did have a BAD-ASS career before I was a coach". So many coaches these days come into coaching with no experience. I am not saying a coach necessarily needs to have the experience to offer support always. A good coach will be able to

2 min
April 30th, 2019
The law of attraction: 4 daily steps to attract the life you want

My 30 day Law of Attraction Challenge starts today! Get more structured in your meditation and mindfulness this month and embodying the energy you want to attract into your life. Find out the 4 steps you can take each day to attract the life you want!

3 min